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This only applies to the Narval Managed Cloud. If deploying the Armory Stack in a self-hosted environment, you are responsible for securing the system.
We utilize multiple strategies at various layers of the software & hardware stack to ensure a highly-secure operating environment.
Nitro Enclaves: Use confidential compute to protect secrets at runtime & attest to the actual code running on the server.
MPC: Use distributed key generation and signing so sensitive keys never live in one place and no single point of failure.
Digital Signatures: All sensitive data and requests are signed to guarantee authenticity and provide non-repudiation of requests.
Encryption: Data is encrypted at rest & transit, decrypted within Enclaves.
Automation: Infrastructure is fully automated with Terraform, deployments are fully managed in CI/CD using GitOps methodology.
Policy & data sets are signed. The auth engine verifies integrity before processing.
Data, signature, and verifying public key are hosted separately.
Build policy logic around Rego, a declarative policy-as-code language.
Audit & open-source the Policy Engine [coming soon]
Run the Policy Engine in Nitro Enclaves, attesting the software running.
Use MPC TSS (threshold signing) to sign access tokens.
Run the Policy Engine as part of a 3/3 MPC signing scheme. All 3 engine nodes must evaluate the same decision in order to complete the signature. Keyshares are generated and stored encrypted within the enclaves.
Access tokens are client-bound, referencing the client's credential.
All HTTP requests are signed by the client, proving authenticity & non-repudiation of the request.